Couple celebrating anniversary on a the deck of a wooden cottage

The habit loop presents a foundational psychological concept that underpins the formation and execution of habits in human behavior. At its core, habits emerge from a recurring cycle of three primary components: cue, routine, and reward. A cue acts as a signal, prompting the brain to initiate a habitual behavior. This trigger can emerge at…

Building habits
Woman playing with her child

Have you ever paused to reflect on what truly brings you joy and contentment? Our lives are a mosaic of habits, each piece contributing to the bigger picture. Some of these habits elevate us, filling our days with positivity, while others might weigh us down. The key to a fulfilling life lies in identifying these…

Building habits
Young school children observing an experiment related to plants

When it comes to respiratory tract infections (RTIs), one common question we ask ourselves is “Do I need to see a doctor?” Most RTIs will clear up by themselves in one to two weeks, and symptoms can usually be treated at home.1 However, some people are more at risk for complications from the infection and…

Respiratory Health
A person doing ice skating

Who is at risk? Although anyone can suffer from a respiratory tract infection (RTI), which is highly common, some of us are more vulnerable to the infection. These include1,2: Knowing who is at high risk can help us to be more attentive to our and others’ health, seek medical advice in time, and avoid possible…

Respiratory Health
Mother and her kid is playing together

What is a respiratory tract infection? A respiratory tract infection (RTI) is an infection that affects the respiratory tract, which is a general term used to describe the parts of our body involved in breathing, including the mouth, nose, sinuses, throat, larynx (voice box), trachea (windpipe), airways and lungs. 1 RTIs are very common, especially…

Respiratory Health
Kids playing in the ground

What are PSPs? Patient Support Programs are specifically designed to help patients in understanding their condition and taking medications directly. They can range from simple interventions such as the provision of pill boxes, to more complex solutions, for example organized programs with their roots in behavioral science theory.1,2 Whereas healthcare professionals may only have time-limited…

Digestive Health
Girl playing with crafted solar system

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms have a significant impact on you and your life. IBS can affects multiple aspects of your life: work, social, home and family.1 Day-to-day, this can make it hard to function in a way that feels normal.1 For some people with IBS, this means withdrawing from social situations or struggling to…

Digestive Health