Your guide to looking after yourself during Ramadan Celebrations, including Ramadan, can be tricky if you have a health condition such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. However, it is still possible to fast while also looking after your health. Ramadan can be a time to enjoy wholesome foods that sustain you and look after your…


Along with other risk factors, a lack of physical exercise is a major cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD). 1 As dyslipidemia is linked to one’s cholesterol and triglyceride levels, regular activities have a significant impact on lowering cholesterol and triglycerides and on the risks of developing dyslipidemia. 1 Before starting any physical activity, you need…

Delta image of river meeting ocean

Medication will not work unless it is taken1. This may sound obvious, yet every second, a patient is not taking her medication properly. But what does it mean to be adherent? Adherence is the degree to which a patient follows a doctor’s prescription2. As a patient suffering from dyslipidemia, being adherent means controlling your lipid…
