Man enjoying snowfall

If you are a beginner or have never consciously created any habit before; you might be asking these two questions: The only simple and surprising answer to these two questions is “Rehearse the sequence” which is Anchor-Habit-Celebration. Once you realize that creating any habit is a skill, this answer will make sense to you. Repeating…

Building habits
Two females talking over pottery making

Learning and innovation go hand in hand, it’s an unsaid rule that “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” You can have the joy of natural growth within yourself and the effects of the positive habits you create. But trust me the happiness you would get…

Building habits
Man walking on stairs

When we hear the word “celebration,” feelings of joy and elation naturally come to mind. Here’s a valuable insight: The key to building habits lies in embracing positive emotions, not dwelling on negative ones. Every habit, whether beneficial or detrimental, offers a reward. Celebrating doesn’t necessarily mean hosting an extravagant party or spending a fortune.…

Building habits
Female lifting down her cycle

Embarking on the journey of habit transformation involves a powerful technique: identifying cues. Picture this: you’ve been aiming to read more books, but finding the time seems elusive. Now, imagine placing a book on your coffee table, right where you often relax. Suddenly, every time you sit down, the sight of the book acts as…

Building habits
Couple celebrating anniversary on a the deck of a wooden cottage

The habit loop presents a foundational psychological concept that underpins the formation and execution of habits in human behavior. At its core, habits emerge from a recurring cycle of three primary components: cue, routine, and reward. A cue acts as a signal, prompting the brain to initiate a habitual behavior. This trigger can emerge at…

Building habits
Couple making pottery

Have you ever marveled at the ease with which your hands gravitate towards your cherished mug on the kitchen counter during your morning routine? Or observed the automatic motion of placing your car keys on the console table upon entering your home? These actions, executed without conscious thought, are habits formed through repeated behaviors in…

Building habits
Friends playing scramble

The way you design your environment plays a pivotal role in fostering sustainable habits. When trying to establish a new habit, consider these two questions simultaneously:  How can I make this new habit easier to adopt? What obstacles are making this new habit challenging? For instance, if your goal is to eat healthily, but all…

Building habits
Couple talking over breakfast

Cues are the triggers in our environment that make us repeat the action without conscious thinking and thus help build the habit. If we equate habits to a steam engine, where intent or will is the engine and environment or context are the tracks, cues are essentially the green signal that sets the engine in…

Building habits