Couple carrying a backpack along a river

Well-known objects, familiar circumstances, usual comfort food, day-to-day activities, and your home surroundings give us a sense of calm. They comfort us, make us feel at ease, and provide us with the feeling of certainty under uncertain circumstances. But what does this have to do with habits and happiness? Most things in our surroundings that…

Building habits
Caucasian couple hiking

In the pursuit of self-improvement, discipline serves as your unwavering compass. It’s not merely about kick-starting new habits; it’s about the steadfast commitment to keeping them alive. Take habit stacking, a practical and effective technique, as an example. If you’re already accustomed to sipping your morning coffee, why not add a five-minute stretching routine right…

Building habits
Female doing adventure activity

It is crucial to differentiate between good and bad habits for personal development and overall well-being. Good habits contribute positively to physical health, well-being, and productivity, while bad habits can lead to harmful outcomes. Good habits have positive impact on health and well-being. Regular exercise is a commendable habit that enhances physical fitness and reduces…

Building habits
Female lifting down her cycle

Embarking on the journey of habit transformation involves a powerful technique: identifying cues. Picture this: you’ve been aiming to read more books, but finding the time seems elusive. Now, imagine placing a book on your coffee table, right where you often relax. Suddenly, every time you sit down, the sight of the book acts as…

Building habits
Girl doing acrobatics

In the pursuit of personal growth, the battle against unproductive habits takes center stage. These habits, which often hold us back, can be conquered through a process of introspection, transformation, and deliberate action. By identifying their triggers and rewards, we can pave the way for positive change and pave the path toward a more fulfilling…

Building habits
Female smiling with a background of sea

In the pursuit of personal growth and self-improvement, the significance of building and sustaining habits is paramount. Habits weave the intricate fabric of our daily lives, shaping behaviors, thoughts, and outcomes. While initiating new habits garners attention, the often-overlooked phase of maintenance is where true transformation occurs. This exploration of habit upkeep delves into techniques…

Building habits
Man enjoying snowfall

If you are a beginner or have never consciously created any habit before; you might be asking these two questions: The only simple and surprising answer to these two questions is “Rehearse the sequence” which is Anchor-Habit-Celebration. Once you realize that creating any habit is a skill, this answer will make sense to you. Repeating…

Building habits
Two females talking over pottery making

Learning and innovation go hand in hand, it’s an unsaid rule that “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” You can have the joy of natural growth within yourself and the effects of the positive habits you create. But trust me the happiness you would get…

Building habits
Girls having fun in volley ball match

Habits play an important role in shaping our lives and long-term outcomes. Habits can be good or bad, however, understanding the motivations behind our habits is important to initiate changes. As an example, habits like regular exercise, morning walk are good for health and well-being, driven by long-term benefits. Another example is a person who…

Building habits